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. 2020 Apr 3;11:442. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00442


Results of the GLMM, including the following fixed factors: bond (0 = strangers; 1 = acquaintances; 2 = friends; 3 = kin), trigger and responder sex (M = male; F = female), trigger and responder age class (yo = youth, 15–24 years old; ad = adult, 25–64 years old; se = senior, above 65 years old), and time slot (1 = 05:30–09:00 am; 2 = 09:01 am–12:30 pm; 3 = 12:31–16:00 pm; 4 = 16:01–19:30 pm; 5 = 19:31–23:00 pm; 6 = 23:01 pm–02:30 am).

Estimate SE χ2 P
(Intercept)a –2.404 0.956 a a
Bond (acquaintances)b,c 1.844 0.722 2.554 0.000
Trigger sex (male)b,c 0.919 0.451 2.036 0.037
Responder sex (male)b,c –1.207 0.512 –2.358 0.012
Trigger age class (senior)b,c 0.255 0.949 0.268 0.930
Responder age class (senior)b,c –0.934 1.045 –0.893 0.722
Time slot (09:01–12:30)b,c –1.011 0.929 –1.089 0.326

The identity of triggers (Trigger) and responders (Responder) was included as random factors. Full versus null model: chisq = 149.995, df = 17, p < 0.001. aNot shown as not having a meaningful interpretation. bEstimate ± SE refer to the difference of the response between the reported level of this categorical predictor and the reference category of the same predictor. cThese predictors were dummy coded, with the “Bond (Strangers),” “Trigger sex (Female),” “Responder sex (Female),” “Trigger age class (Adult),” “Responder age class (Adult),” and “Time slot (05:30–09:00)” being the reference categories.