Spontaneous activity of cerebellar PCs in 6- and 9-month-old WT and YAC128 HD mice. (A,B) Examples of PC firing activity in 9-month-old WT (A) and YAC128 (B) mice. Recording traces are 3 s in duration with enlarged 100-ms fragment containing CS is shown. (C) The average SS firing frequency of PCs for 6- and 9-month-old WT (n = 23 and 34 cells; m = 10 and 7 mice) and YAC128 mice (n = 24 and 31 cells; m = 6 and 7 mice) is shown as mean ± SE. *p < 0.05. (D) The average CS firing frequency of PCs for 6- and 9-month-old WT (n = 23 and 34 cells; m = 10 and 7 mice) and YAC128 mice (n = 24 and 31 cells; m = 6 and 7 mice) is shown as mean ± SE. No statistically significant difference was observed. (E) The average post-CS pause in PC discharge for 6- and 9-month-old WT (n = 23 and 34 cells; m = 10 and 7 mice) and YAC128 mice (n = 24 and 31 cells; m = 6 and 7 mice) is shown as mean ± SE. *p < 0.05. (F) The CV ISI of tonically firing PCs was analyzed. Tonically firing PCs in 9-month-old HD mice fired more irregularly. **p < 0.01.