Fig 5. Bacteria significantly affected by Metarhizium robertsii amendment.
The effect size from Welch’s t-tests using a corrected (fdr) P value (α = 0.05) is shown indicating relative abundance of bacterial Families (genus shown in brackets if known) significantly affected by Metarhizium robertsii amendment in (A) rhizosphere soil and root samples. Light bars = absence of larvae; dark bars = larvae present (n = 3). (B) The significant increase in the abundance of Bradyrhizobium in Metarhizium treated versus untreated root samples was confirmed with a SYBR® green PCR assay using Bradyrhizobium-specific primers. Error bars are standard deviation (n = 3). Conditions with different letters are significantly different (Scheffe’s post-hoc, α = 0.05). M: M. robertsii 2575-GFP. I: Insect, Galleria mellonella. (C) Bradyrhizobium (circled in yellow) cultured from potting soil on selective yeast-mannitol agar.