GPNMB is a target gene repressed by the Takayasu arteritis risk allele in rs2069837 through long-distance chromatin looping. (A) The mRNA expression level of GPNMB was significantly lower in monocyte-derived macrophages with AA compared with AG genotypes (p<0.05, n=7 in each group). No difference was observed in IL-6 expression. (B) TSA treatment (100 nM) significantly increased GPNMB expression in monocyte-derived macrophages with AA genotype (p<0.05, n=7). (C) TSA treatment (100 nM) did not affect GPNMB expression in monocyte-derived macrophages with AG genotypes (p>0.05, n=5). (D) 3C data revealed the interaction between rs2069837 and chr7:23288026 (GPNMB) in THP-1 cells (representative of two replicates) and primary monocytes-derived macrophages (representative of two independent samples). The interactions examined relative to chromosomal positions are shown in the bottom panel. Restriction sites are depicted using Latin numbers, and interaction loops tested are depicted in Arabic numbers. ChIP-Seq data of CTCF in CD14+ monocyte demonstrated that CTFC was strongly enriched at rs2069837 and chr7:23288026 (hg19) but weakly enriched at chr7:23248 026 (hg19). The relative positions of restriction sites are as follows: I: +871 bp of rs2069837 and +284 bp of CTCF core binding motif, II: −7797 bp of chr7:23248026, III: −29 bp of chr7:23248026, IV: +6906 bp of chr7:23248026, V: +7179 bp of chr7:23248026, VI: −9293 bp of chr7: 23288026, VII: −1933 bp of chr7:23288026; VIII:+578 bp of chr7:23288026; IX:+9224 bp of chr7:23288026. mRNA, messenger RNA; TSA, Trichostatin A.