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. 2020 Apr 9;202(9):e00017-20. doi: 10.1128/JB.00017-20


Growth of grp deletion mutants on 1,2-PD

Strain or deletion mutant description Closest homolog of deleted gene product 1,2-PD utilizationb Protein product of deleted gene (GenPept accession no.)
WTa +++
ΔgrpA Alcohol dehydrogenase +−− WP_000135343.1
ΔgrpB Phosphotransacylase +−− WP_001109982.1
ΔgrpC EutJ-like chaperone of unknown function ++− WP_001332070.1
ΔgrpD Hypothetical flavoprotein +++ WP_001329683.1
ΔgrpE EutN MCP vertex protein WP_000280292.1
ΔgrpF Heme-binding protein of unknown function +++ WP_001301167.1
ΔgrpG Propionate kinase ++− WP_001362987.1
ΔgrpH Shell hexamer WP_001301171.1
ΔgrpI Shell trimer (stacked/gated) WP_001205499.1
ΔgrpJ Aldehyde dehydrogenase WP_000997839.1
ΔgrpK Shell hexamer with FeS cluster +/− WP_000746009.1
ΔgrpL Putative protease of unknown function +/− WP_000722279.1
ΔgrpM Glycyl radical diol dehydratase (GR-DDH) WP_000890295.1
ΔgrpN grpM activating enzyme WP_001044978.1
ΔgrpO Permease +++ WP_001086421.1
ΔmtrA Maturase-reverse transcriptase +++ AAN82974.1
ΔmtrB Maturase-reverse transcriptase +++ WP_000237741.1
ΔgrpP Histidine kinase AAN82979.1
ΔgrpQ DNA-binding response regulator WP_000494233.1
ΔgrpR Methionine adenosyltransferase +++ WP_096489982.1
ΔgrpS Shell hexamer with C-terminal extension ++− WP_000015571.1
ΔmrtAB Maturase-reverse transcriptase +++

WT, wild-type E. coli CFT073.


Qualitative estimate of growth based on the growth curves shown in Fig. S1. A minus sign indicates no growth. One, two, or three plus signs indicate slow, medium, or normal growth, respectively.