Figure 3.
Unsupervised clustering of AT samples by PCA based on PVAT DE transcripts. Scatterplot of the first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) obtained from the PCA performed on the expression matrix of the 210 DE transcripts obtained by comparing Oc vs. St-PVAT, for PVAT samples (A) and omental-visceral (V), subcutaneous (S) AT (B). PC1 and PC2 explained together 80% and 66% variance for PVAT and V-S depots, respectively, allowing discriminating most of the Oc- vs. St-patients. Red and blue colors represent Oc- and St-patients, respectively. Circle, triangle, plus and square shapes associate, respectively, with DA-PVAT, Px-PVAT, subcutaneous and omental-visceral AT. Numbers refer to patient’s paired-samples.