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. 2020 Spring;13(2):125–132.

Table 2.

The frequency of pathology reports by sex among colorectal cancer patients (2008-2016)

Variable Male
No (%) No (%) No (%)
Location of tumor Rectum 91 (41.18) 61 (34.66) 152 (38.29) 0.359
Sigmoid 36 (16.29) 35 (19.89) 71 (17.88)
Recto-sigmoid 49 (22.17) 38 (21.59) 87 (21.91)
Cecum 11 (4.98) 8 (4.55) 19 (4.79)
Right colon 14 (6.33) 7 (3.98) 21 (5.29)
Other 20 (9.05) 27 (15.33) 47 (11.83)
Total 221 (100) 176 (100) 397 (100)
Obstruction No 183 (82.81) 154 (86.03) 337 (84.25) 0.371
Yes 38 (17.19) 25 (13.97) 63 (15.75)
Total 221 (100) 179 (100) 400 (100)
Perforation No 200 (90.91) 164 (91.62) 364 (91.23) 0.802
Yes 20 (9.09) 15 (8.38) 35 (8.77)
Total 220 (100) 179 (100) 399 (100)
Appearance Ulcerative 83 (39.9) 59 (34.3) 142 (37.37) 0.006
Polypoid 30 (14.42) 30 (17.44) 60 (15.79)
Fungating 25 (12.02) 38 (22.09) 63 (16.58)
Diffuse infiltrative 24 (11.54) 15 (8.72) 39 (10.26)
Other 46 (22.11) 30 (17.44) 76 (20)
Total 208 (100) 172 (100) 380 (100)
Differentiation (grading) Well diff 141 (64.38) 119 (67.61) 260 (65.82) 0.330
Moderately diff 55 (25.11) 40 (22.73) 96 (24.05)
Poorly diff 21 (9.59) 15 (8.52) 36 (9.11)
Other 2 (0.91) 2 (1.14) 4 (1.02)
Total 219 (100) 176 (100) 395 (100)
Depth of invasion Muscularis 78 (35.78) 59 (33.71) 137 (34.86) 0.616
Serosal 129 (59.17) 100 (57.14) 229 (58.27)
Sub mucosal 9 (4.13) 13 (7.43) 22 (5.6)
Other 2 (0.92) 3 (1.71) 5 (1.27)
Total 218 (100) 184 (100) 393(100)
Vascular invasion No 206 (93.21) 166 (94.86) 372 (93.94) 0.490
Yes 15 (6.79) 9 (5.14) 24 (6.06)
Total 221 (100) 175 (100) 396 (100)
Neural invasion No 190 (85.97) 151 (86.29) 341 (86.11) 0.925
Yes 31 (14.03) 24 (13.71) 55 (13.89)
Total 221 (100) 175 (100) 396 (100)
Lymphatic invasion No 185 (83.71) 139 (79.43) 324 (81.82) 0.271
Yes 36 (16.29) 36 (20.57) 72 (18.18)
Total 221 (100) 175 (100) 396 (100)
T-stage T0 21 (8.71) 16 (8.16) 37 (8.47) 0.712
T1 11 (4.56) 15 (7.65) 26 (5.95)
T2 63 (26.14) 58 (29.59) 121 (27.69)
T3 133 (55.19) 96 (48.98) 229 (52.4)
T4 11 (4.56) 8 (4.08) 19 (4.35)
Tx/Tis 2 (0.82) 3 (1.53) 5 (1.15)
Total 241 (100) 196 (100) 437 (100)
N-stage N0 170 (70.54) 135 (68.88) 305 (69.79) 0.441
N1(a,b,c) 45 (18.67) 45 (22.95) 90 (20.59)
N2(a,b) 25 (10.37) 14 (7.14) 39 (8.92)
Nx 1 (0.41) 2 (1.02) 3 (0.68)
Total 241 (100) 196 (100) 437 (100)
M-stage Mx 236 (97.93) 187 (95.41) 423 (96.8) 0.306
M1(a,b) 5 (2.07) 9 (4.59) 14 (3.21)
Total 241 (100) 196 (100) 437 (100)
Residual tumor after chemo-radiotherapy No 222 (90.24) 172 (86.43) 394 (88.54) 0.203
Yes 24 (9.76) 13.57 51 (11.46)
Total 246 (100) 199 (100) 445 (100)
Staging 0 23 (9.58) 19 (9.79) 42 (9.68) 0.287
I 65 (27.08) 63 (32.47) 128 (29.49)
II (A,B,C) 82 (34.16) 59 (30.41) 141 (32.48)
III (A,B,C) 70 (29.16) 53 (27.31) 123 (28.34)
Total 240 (100) 194 (100) 434 (100)
Type of surgery Laparotomy 98 (35.51) 89 (41.78) 187 (38.24) 0.215
Laparoscopy 157 (56.88) 114 (53.52) 271 (55.42)
Conversion 21 (7.61) 10 (4.69) 31 (6.34)
Total 276 (100) 213 (100) 489 (100)

* Based on Chi-square test