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. 2007 Sep 2:35–120. doi: 10.1016/B978-012263951-7/50006-5

Table I.

Kinds of Mice Used in Researcha

Definition of breeding system Perpetuation of breeding system Reference
Random bred stock: Random mating within a large, heterogeneous population Continue random mating, selection pairs with random numbers method
Inbred strain: Brother-sister mating for more than 20 generations Continue brother-sister mating Green (1981a)
F1 hybrids: Mice from crosses between inbred strains Cannot be perpetuated Green (1981a)
Segregating inbred strain: Brother-sister matings system for more than 20 generations with heterozygosity for the mutations forced by (1) backcrossing, (2) intercrossing, (3)crossing and intercrossing, or (4) backcrossing and intercrossing Continue brother-sister mating with heterozygosity forced by one of the four methods at left or with homozygosity forced by intercrossing homozygotes Green (1981a)
Coisogenic inbred strains: Occurrence of a mutation within a strain Perpetuate the mutation by (1) brother-sister mating within strain of origin, (2) backcross or cross-intercross system with strain of origin as parent strain, (3) brother-sister mating with heterozygosity forced by back- or intercrosses, or (4) brother-sister mating between homozygotes
Congenic inbred strains: (A) Repeated backcross of mutation-bearing mice for 10 or more generations or (B) cross-intercross system for the equivalent of 20 or more cycles with an inbred parent strain Perpetuate the transferred mutation by (2), (3), or (4) above. (1) may be used after 10–12 generations of backcrossing with periodic backcrosses to background strain
Recombinant inbred strains: Brother-sister matings for >20 generations after crossing two inbred strains and their F1 to obtain and F2 Continue brother-sister matings Bailey (1971)
Recombinant congenic strains: Same as above except one or more backcrosses of F1 to one parent strain before beginning brother-sister matings Continue brother-sister matings Demant and Hart (1986)
Advanced intercross lines: Nonsibling matings from an F2 of a cross between two inbred strains Continue nonsibling matings

Modified from Green (1981 a).