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. 2018 Oct 26:569–592. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-805306-5.00023-7

Table e5.

Parasitic Diseases of Pinnipeds

Type of Parasite Name (Genus Species) Location in Host Associated Disease (if any) Region Found Species Affected
Nematode (Filarid)a Acanthocheilonema spirocauda Right ventricle and pulmonary arteries endarteritis of the pulmonary artery; pulmonary infarction and thrombosis; granulomatous pneumonia; possible right sided heart failure lesions Northern hemisphere Multiple phocids
Nematode (Filarid)b Acanthocheilonema odendhali (previously Dipetalonema) Blubber, fur, skin, intermuscular fascia Nonpathogenic; filaremia Northern hemisphere Northern Fur seals and California sea lion
Nematode (Metastrongyle)c,d,e Parafilaroides (Filaroides) gymnurus Alveoli Minor pneumonia unless secondary bacterial infections Northern hemisphere Atlantic harbor seal, grey, bearded seal
Nematode (Metastrongyle)c P. (F.) decorus Alveoli Minor pneumonia unless secondary bacterial infections Northern hemisphere Steller sea lion, California sea lion
Nematode (Metastrongyle)c,f P. (F.) hispidus Alveoli Mild pneumonia unless secondary bacterial infections Northern hemisphere Ringed seal, gray seal
Nematode (Metastrongyle)c,g P. (F.) measuresae Alveoli Mild pneumonia unless secondary bacterial infections Northern hemisphere Northern Elephant seal
Nematode (Metastrongyle)C,G P. (F.) gullandae Alveoli Mild pneumonia unless secondary bacterial infections Northern hemisphere Pacific harbor seal
Nematode (Metastrongyle)C P. (F.) hydrurgae Alveoli Mild pneumonia unless secondary bacterial infections Southern hemisphere—Antarctica Leopard seal
Nematode (Metastrongyle)c P. (F.) normani Alveoli Mild pneumonia unless secondary bacterial infections Southern hemisphere—New Zealand New Zealand fur seal, Australian fur seal, and sub-Antarctic fur seal
Nematode (Metastrongyle)d,h,e,i Otostrongylus circumlitus Right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, bronchi Mild catarrhal bronchitis, mild arteritis, mild pneumonia; DIC, severe arteritis, thrombosis, and interstitial pneumonia in northern elephant seals Circumpolar Harbor, ringed, gray, northern elephant seals
Nematode (Hookworm)j,k Uncinaria lucasi, U. hamiltoni Small intestine Anemia, hemorrhagic enteritis Northern and southern hemispheres Multiple ottarids, ringed seal, elephant seal.
Nematode (Roundworm)i,xsl Anisakis sp., Contracaecum sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Phocoascaris sp. Stomach, small intestine Usually subclinical; gastric ulceration Northern and southern hemispheres Multiple species
Nematodem Trichinella nativa Muscle cysts Nonpathogenic; zoonotic potential Circumpolar Walrus, bearded seal, grays seal, ringed seal
Trematodei Multile genera; Pricetrema sp. most common Small and large intestine Nonpathogenic Northern and southern hemispheres Multiple species
Trematodei,n Multiple genera; Zalophotrema hepaticum most common Bile ducts, gall bladder Mild biliary tract inflammation, portal fibrosis, bile duct and gall bladder hyperplasia; aberrant cerebral migration reported in CSLs Northern hemisphere California sea lion, harbor seal, northern elephant seal
Cestodei,l Diphyllobothriidae and Tetrabothriidae (many species) Small and large intestine Obstruction and malabosorption with large parasite loads Northern and southern hemispheres Multiple species
Cestodei Phyllobothrium delphini Subcutis Encysted larvae Southern hemisphere Sea lion, fur seal, leopard seal
Acanthocephalani Corynosoma sp. Small intestine Ulcerative enteritis with occasional penetration through intestine wall Northern and southern hemispheres Multiple species
Flagellatei,o,p Giardia sp. Intestine, feces Unknown Northern hemisphere Multiple species
Apicomplexiao,p,q,r Cryptosporidium Intestine, feces Unknown Northern and Southern hemispheres Multiple species
Sucking Lices Antarctophthirius sp. Skin With heavy infestations, anemia Multiple species
Sucking Licea Echinophthirius horridus Skin With heavy infestations, anemia and weakened animals more susceptible to other infections; Focal alopecia; may transmit heartworm Acanthocheilonema spirocauda Northern phocid seals
Mitei Demodex spp. Skin hyperkeratosis, alopecia, pruitus California sea lions, northern fur seals
Mitet Halarachne miroungae Nasal passages, nasopharynx Mild nasal discharge, mild chronic inflammation at attachment sites Gray seals
Miteu Orthohalarchne attenuata Nasal passages, nasopharynx Mild nasal discharge, mild chronic inflammation at attachment sites Multiple ottarids and walrus
Mitei,u Orthohalarchne dimmunata Trachea, bronchi Mild chronic inflammation at attachment sites Multiple ottarids
Miteu Halarchne halichoeri Nasal passages, nasopharynx Mild nasal discharge, mild chronic inflammation at attachment sites Harbor and spotted seals

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