(A) to (D) Protein levels of IL-1β, IL-6, M-CSF, and IL-4 were measured in tissue homogenates of non-injured skin and wounds on day 1 (n=3), 3 (n=4), 6 (n=4), and 10 (n=4) by a custom multiplex kit via flow cytometry. (E) Surface expression of CD124 (IL-4 receptor), CD115 (M-CSF receptor), CD121a (IL-1 receptor), CD130, and CD126 (IL-6 receptors) evaluated by flow cytometry in Ly6C+F4/80lo/- Mo/MΦ (black bars) and Ly6C-F4/80+ MΦ (open bars) in skin wounds on day 6 post-injury (n=4). (F) Percentages of either Ly6C+F4/80lo/- Mo/MΦ or Ly6C-F4/80+ MΦ in WT (black bar, n=11), IL-1R1 KO (open bar, n=4), and IL-6 KO (grey bar, n=8) in skin wounds on day 6 post-wounding. (G) and (H) Cell cycle profiles of Ly6C+F4/80lo/- Mo/MΦ or Ly6C-F4/80+ MΦ in WT, IL-1R1 KO, and IL-6 KO mice. For each graph, data were pooled over two separate experiments; sample sizes given are pooled over experiments. Data expressed as mean ± SEM; *P < 0.05 or **P < 0.01 vs non-injured group by ANOVA.