Table 2.
IC50s of αM-MIIIJ and α-EI on nAChRs expressed in X. laevis oocytes. 1.
nAChR 2 | αM-MIIIJ | α-EI |
zαβδ | 0.033 (0.023–0.048) 3 | 0.073 (0.045–0.118) 4 |
zαβδγ | 0.061 (0.049–0.076) 3 | 0.103 (0.069–0.155) 4 |
zαβδε | 0.058 (0.040–0.085) 3 | 0.058 (0.039–0.087) 4 |
zαβε | 0.034 (0.022–0.053) 5 | N. A. |
mαβδγ | 44.4 (25.4–77.5) 6 | N.A. |
mαβδε | 3.6 (2.6–4.9) 6 | N. A. |
hαβδγ | 19.6 (13.8–27.7) 6 | N. A. 7 |
hαβδε | 4.1 (2.9–5.9) 6 | N. A. |
hα9α10 | >>10 8 | N. A. |
rα4β2 | >>10 8 | N. A. 9 |
rα3β4 | >>10 8 | N. A. 10 |
1 IC50 value in μM, 95% C.I. in parentheses. N.A. indicates not tested or not available (but see related information in enumerated footnote). 2 Prefix: z, zebrafish; m, mouse; h, human; r, rat. Greek letters: combination of nAChR-subunit cRNAs injected into a given oocyte. 3 from Figure 7. 4 see Figure 9. 5 see Figure 8A. 6 see Figure 11. 7 IC50 = 0.187 ± 0.043 μM (mean ± S.E.) from patch-clamped human rhabdomyocarcoma cell line TE671 expressing hαβγδ [28]. 8 No block observed with 10 μM, the highest αM-MIIIJ concentration tested (n = 3 oocytes). 9 IACh in patch-clamped HEK293 line expressing hα4β2 nAChRs was 60% blocked by 10 μM α-EI [28]. 10 IACh in patch-clamped HEK293 line expressing hα3β4 nAChRs was 90% blocked by 10 μM α-EI [28].