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. 2020 Mar 18;8(1):62. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8010062

Table 3.

Factor analysis with maximum likelihood (3-factor structure model) (N = 118).

Factors (Fs) Items Mean (± SD) Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
F1: Implications for Having an AD 5. I think my family would want me to have an advance directive. 2.97 (± 0.67) 0.72 * −0.01 −0.08
6. Making my end of life treatment wishes clear with an AD would keep my family from disagreeing over what to do if I were very sick and unable to decide for myself. 2.99 (± 0.58) 0.57 * −0.14 −0.02
8. Making my end of life treatment wishes clear with an advance directive would help to prevent guilt in my family. 2.84 (± 0.61) 0.52 * 0.10 −0.01
12. My family wants me to have an AD. 2.73 (± 0.69) 0.72 * −0.03 0.09
13. Having an AD would make sure that I get the treatment at the end of my life that I do want. 2.91 (± 0.60) 0.85 * 0.04 0.02
14. I trust one of my family or friends to make treatment decisions for me if I cannot make them myself. 3.02 (± 0.60) 0.45 * 0.01 0.17
15. It is better to make an advance directive when you are healthy. 3.05 (± 0.67) 0.57 * 0.13 0.01
F2: Opportunity for Treatment Choices 1. I have choices about the treatment I would receive at the end of my life. 3.05 (± 0.68) 0.48 * 0.75 * 0.01
2. I would be given choices about the treatment I would receive at the end of my life. 2.97 (± 0.67) 0.47 * 0.82 * −0.01
3. My doctor would include my concerns in decisions about my treatment at the end of my life. 2.97 (± 0.63) −0.01 0.58 * 0.55 *
F3: Family Perspectives on ADs 4. If I could not make decisions, my family would be given choices about the treatment I would receive. 3.08 (± 0.60) 0.02 −0.04 0.61 *
10. Having an AD would prevent costly medical expenses for my family. 3.07 (± 0.75) 0.31 −0.02 0.49 *
11. Having an AD would make sure that my family knows my treatment wishes. 2.99 (± 0.62) 0.33 0.02 0.59 *
Information criteria: Bayesian (BIC) = 2455.41 Eigen values 5.22 1.72 1.23
Fit Indices from EFA Model χ 2 df p CFI TLI SRMR RMSEA p (RMSEA < 0.05) RMSEA 90% CI
70.04 42 0.004 0.96 0.92 0.04 0.08 0.09 0.04, 0.11

Note. AD = advance directives, EOL = end-of-life, EFA = exploratory factor analysis, CFI = comparative fit index, TLI = Tucker-Lewis index, SRMR = standardized root mean square residual, RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation, and CI = confidence interval. * Significant at 0.05 level.