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. 2020 Mar 16;8(1):60. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8010060

Table 7.

Participants’ quotes on intervention contents.

Intervention Contents
“I saw a lactation consultant and I also went to the breastfeeding drop-in clinic. I also went to a twins breastfeeding class at [name of hospital].” (Partially satisfied SMS participant S2)
“I stopped breastfeeding at five months old … we had breastfeeding issues … so I kind of felt like, if I didn’t breastfeed her that I was being judged.” (Satisfied SMS participant S1)
Introduction to solids
“Information on introduction to solids was useful because I have no idea what to give the baby when he can start solids … In terms of feeding solids may be some more information is better because … I am still feeding him by the spoon.” Satisfied telephone participant T4
“Well, my husband’s family were pushing very strongly that I feed him things like custard, sweetened with honey and things like that … It was handy to have a source of authority.” (Satisfied telephone participant T1)
“The nurse said don’t give solids to the baby at three months … The reason why nurse said not to bring in solids is because his digestive system was just growing.” (Satisfied telephone participant T12)
“The only thing that really stood out was the breastfeeding fine until six months and start solids. I didn’t do that with my other children. I only done it with this one because I read it in the book. I done it a lot earlier.” (Satisfied SMS participant S10)
Tummy time
“Sometimes mothers know a lot of things but when someone talks to them about tummy time … it’s kind of like a reminder … oh no, that’s right, we’ve got to do that today.” (Satisfied telephone participant T6)
“The booklets reminded me about tummy time and I really got onto tummy time …” (Partially satisfied telephone participant T14)
“I don’t do it a lot actually, just because I was so busy.” (Partially satisfied SMS participant S2)
Screen time
“A lot was stressed on tummy time and about screen time, and I’m glad I wasn’t doing screens anyway …” (Satisfied telephone participant T6)
“My baby watches TV. I know she shouldn’t … I need to do things like go to the toilet, or cook dinner … it’s just in the background.” (Satisfied SMS participant S1)
Sleep and settling
“The nurses used to tell me how many hours our baby should sleep and how to put the music on or try to give them the environment where he can sleep more without disturbing.” (Satisfied telephone participant T12)
“I definitely supplemented especially the sleep parts with some other books that I had… that was the one thing she struggled with unfortunately … Tresillian (an early parenting service) even came out to help us as well … I think I needed a bit more information on that.” (Unsatisfied SMS participant S4)
“I liked how they had goals … they summarised the call and sent you emails with your goals written down. Sometimes I would pass those emails on to my family just to let them know what stage I was up to …” (Satisfied telephone participant T1)