Detection of reduced and oxidized protein thiols in lysates from shSCR and shFxn cardiomyocytes. A, detection of reduced protein thiols. Reduced protein thiols where derivatized with Bodipy-IAM, separated by SDS-PAGE and fluorescence signal from Bodipy (blue) acquired in a Chemidoc MP system. Gels where also stained with Oriole protein stain (green). C, detection of oxidized protein thiols. Reduced protein thiols where blocked by IAM and oxidized ones reduced by DTT and derivatized with Bodipy-IAM. B, relative protein thiol redox state of shFxn calculated from the Bodipy signal in A and C. Data are mean +/- SEM from three independent experiments. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)