Health episode |
Defined as an illness or injury reported during the weekly interview, which may last, and be reported, for several consecutive weeks. Health episodes are symptoms as described by respondents, without verification of medical records |
Provider type |
Provider choice was classified in four categories:
(0) No provider
(1) Informal providers: patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs), chemists, drug peddlers and traditional healers
(2) Non-upgraded facilities: healthcare facilities in the area not linked to the KSHI, as well as private doctors, nurses, community-health extension workers, paramedics and pharmacists not linked to a health facility
(3) Upgraded facilities: three health facilities linked to the KSHI, both enrolees and non-enrolees could access care at these facilities
Insurance status |
Insurance status (insured/uninsured) at the time of a health episode was based on weekly administrative data available through the KSHI and Hygeia Ltd |
Health episode category |
We categorized the symptoms using the Global Burden of Disease classification to:
(1) communicable diseases [renamed from its original definition ‘communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases’ (University of Washington, 2019), to reflect the exclusion of preventive services and therefore the low number of maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases]
(2) non-communicable diseases
(3) injuries Note: The symptom ‘headache’ was classified as non-communicable disease, except for the cases when headache was reported together with a communicable disease symptom, such as ‘fever/malaria’
Health episode severity |
The ability to perform daily activities at the time of a health episode was used as a proxy for health episode severity:
Less severe: able to perform daily activities
More severe: unable to perform daily activities for one or more days
Seasonality |
Household location |
Rural: households located in the rural clusters. The distance to the upgraded facility was between 5 and 15 km
Urban: households located in the urban clusters. The distance to the upgraded facility was within 5 km
Household wealth |
Categorized as ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’, corresponding to the first, second and third terciles of the wealth index generated using principle component analysis on household size, type of housing, and household assets recorded at baseline |
Out-of-pocket health expenditure |
Continuous variables including payments made by the individual per consultation and excluding health insurance premium, transportation costs and medical expenses reimbursed by the insurance |