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. 2019 Dec 27;24(2):163–190. doi: 10.1177/1088868319891310

Table 6.

Results for the Multiple-Moderator Model for Studies Examining Endorsement of Sexual Double Standards With Likert-Type-Scale Questionnaires (#k = 47, #IS = 85, #ES = 129).

Moderator β (SE) 95% CI t p
Intercept 0.155 (0.081) [−0.004, 0.314] 1.925 .314
SDS conceptualization (reference category stereotype)
 Attitude −0.178 (0.055)* [−0.328, −0.028] −2.346 .021
 Other −0.452 (0.110)** [−0.669, −0.236] −4.130 <.001
Questionnaire type (reference category DSS)a
 SDSS 0.427 (0.098)** [0.234, 0.621] 4.367 <.001
Gender equality country −1.118 (0.380)* [−1.870, −0.366] −2.942 .004
Publication year −0.006 (0.004) [−0.014, 0.002] −1.400 .164
Omnibus test F(5,123) = 7.998** <.001
σ2 I 2 ΔR2
Variance level 1b 0.057** 57.89 0.10
Variance level 3 0.041** 42.06 0.49

Note. #k = number of studies, #IS = number of independent samples; #ES= number of effect sizes; CI= confidence interval; SDS = sexual double standard; DSS = double standard scale.


“Other questionnaire” was a redundant predictor (r = −1.0 with “social cognition other”) and therefore dropped from the model. b Variance was examined at the following levels: 1 = variance within samples, that is, between effect sizes from the same sample, 2 = variance within studies, that is, between samples from the same study, 3 = variance between studies. As there was zero variance at the second level in the overall model, this level was not presented in this table.


p < .05. **p < .01.