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. 2020 Mar 17;36:100974. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2020.100974

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Reconstitution of polarity of Sertoli cells in adult 6 month old infertile fads2−/− males after a feeding period of 2 months. IHC of sections of control, nd-, and AA/DHA-fads2−/− testis. Images of double-stained sections using anti-Claudin 11 (Cy3) merged (A) anti-Occludin, (B) anti-ZO1, (C) anti-JamA, and (D) anti-amCJ antibodies labeled with FITC-conjugated 2 antibody. (E) Reconstitution of the BTB in the AA/DHA testes. EM of lanthanum perfused nd control, nd, and AA/DHA-fads2−/− testes. Arrows: Lanthanum–impermeable junction domains in the control and AA/DHA-fads2−/− and lanthanum diffusion in the nd-fads2−/− testes (bm, basal membrane).