Figure 3. Atoh1 is required in supporting cells for regeneration of type II hair cells in the adult saccule and lateral ampulla.
The schematic drawings at the top of the figure depict top-down views of the saccule and the horizontal ampulla, with their different anatomical zones indicated. A,B. Representative high-magnification horizontal (xy) confocal slices of whole-mount saccules from an Atoh1 WT mouse (A) and an Atoh1 CKO mouse (B) at 3 weeks post-DT (pDT) and labeled for myosin VIIa (myo7a, green), tdTomato (red), and DAPI (blue). Arrows point to tdTomato-positive type II hair cells and the arrowhead points to a tdTomato-negative type I hair cell. A’,B’. Optical cross-section from A and B taken at the levels indicated by the yellow arrowhead (bottom left side of A). C,D. Representative high-magnification horizontal (xy) confocal slices of whole-mount lateral cristae from an Atoh1 WT mouse (C) and an Atoh1 CKO mouse (D) at 3 weeks pDT and labeled the same as A,B. Arrows point to tdTomato-labeled type II hair cells, and arrowhead points to a tdTomato-negative type I hair cell. E-H. Each graph shows the numbers of tdTomato-positive (Tom+, E, G) or tdTomato-negative (Tom-, F, H) type I and type II hair cells (HCs) per 10,000 μm2 in the saccules or lateral ampullae from Atoh1 WT and CKO mice at 3 weeks pDT. Arrows point to groups with average values of 0. Horizontal lines over bars indicate significant difference between groups (p ≤ 0.05). Error bars represent +1 standard deviation. N = 3 mice per group. Scale bar in B applies to all images.