Fig. 1.
Deregulated lncRNAs in HepaRG cells exposed to APAP. (A and B) show the volcano plots in HepaRG cells treated with 5 and 10 mM APAP for 24 hours, respectively. The x-axis represents the log2-fold change, and the y-axis represents the P value (−log10 based). A P value <0.05 and absolute log2-fold change >1 were used as thresholds to differentiate significantly up- and down- expressed lncRNAs. Significantly up- and down- expressed LincRNAs are labeled in red and green colors, respectively. (C) displays the specific fold changes of LINC00574 in cells treated with 5 or 10 mM APAP. (D) shows the changes of the expression of UGT2B15 upon exposure to 5 or 10 mM APAP. **P < 0.01. FPKM, fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads.