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. 2020 Apr 13;14(4):e0008136. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008136

Table 1. Selected comparisons between socio-demographic characteristics and the use of channels of information regarding dengue.

Age vs GPs Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 18–50 years 36 (22.4) 161 0.003^
 ≥ 51 years 17 (10.1) 168
Age vs Social media Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 18–50 years 22 (13.7) 161 < 0.001^
 ≥ 51 years 6 (3.6) 168
Age vs Internet Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 18–50 years 31 (19.3) 161 < 0.001^
 ≥ 51 years 11 (6.5) 168
Education vs Internet Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 Illiterate and primary school 3 (4.0) 75 < 0.001^
 Secondary school 13 (10.6) 123
 Intermediate vocational school 13 (15.5) 84
 Higher vocational education 13 (27.7) 47
Education vs GPs Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 Illiterate and primary school 9 (12.0) 75 0.01^
 Secondary school 26 (21.1) 123
 Intermediate vocational school 6 (7.1) 84
 Higher vocational education 12 (25.5) 47
Education vs Newspapers Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 Illiterate and primary school 26 (34.7) 75 0.01^
 Secondary school 73 (59.3) 123
 Intermediate vocational school 42 (50.0) 84
 Higher vocational education 27 (57.4) 47
Occupation vs GPs Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 Unemployed 5 (8.2) 61 0.01^
 Paid job (manual) 24 (17.3) 139
 Paid job (not manual) 18 (26.9) 67
 Retired 6 (9.7) 62
Income (ANG/month)1 vs Television Users n (%) Total number of subjects p-value
 0–999 27 (81.8) 33 0.04^
 1000–2499 101 (75.4) 134
 2500–4999 86 (74.1) 116
 ≥5000 24 (55.8) 43

1Antillean Guilders, 1 ANG = 0.54 USA dollars and 0.47 EUR.

^ Chi-square test