Figure 6. CaV3.2 channels inhibitors rapidly terminate Sr2+ induced oscillations.
Experiments were performed in nominal Ca2+-free media containing 10mM Sr2+ (black bar) and pharmacological inhibitors (dashed horizontal bars) were added 25 min following initiation of imaging. (A) Control, untreated oocytes showed normal oscillations, which were immediately terminated (B) by the addition of the CaV3.2 inhibitors MBF (1 μM) and Ni2+ (100 μM). (C) The general TRP channels inhibitors 2-APB (50 μM) & MgCl2 (5 mM) and (D) the TRPM7 inhibitor NS8593 (10 μM) also terminated oscillations but more protractedly especially by the latter; waixenicin-A (5 μM) was without effect. All experiments were replicated 4 times.