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. 2020 Mar;8(Suppl 1):S2. doi: 10.21037/atm.2019.09.63

Table 3. Hierarchical regressions predicting obesity-related well-being, symptom occurrence and relevance of symptoms from change in BMI and body image subscales (N=91).

Dependent variable Predictors (Step 2) B Std. Error Beta R2 Confidence interval
Lower bound Upper bound
Orwell 97 Change in BMI 0.002 0.108 0.001 0.570 −0.213 0.217
Appearance evaluation −0.340 3.836 −0.012 −7.967 7.288
Appearance orientation −1.316 3.589 −0.030 −8.452 5.820
Body areas satisfaction −13.252 4.870 −0.360** −22.936 −3.567
Overweight preoccupation 10.143 3.245 0.295** 3.690 16.597
Self-classified weight 10.997 3.286 0.295** 4.462 17.531
Occurrence of symptoms Change in BMI 0.011 0.031 0.033 0.430 −0.051 0.073
Appearance evaluation −0.624 1.106 −0.085 −2.822 1.575
Appearance orientation 0.841 1.034 0.078 −1.216 2.898
Body areas satisfaction −3.017 1.404 −0.327* −5.809 −0.226
Overweight preoccupation 1.803 0.935 0.209* −0.058 3.663
Self-classified weight 1.921 0.947 0.206* 0.038 3.805
Relevance of symptoms Change in BMI −0.014 0.043 −0.025 0.595 −0.099 0.070
Appearance evaluation −0.435 1.509 −0.037 −3.435 2.565
Appearance orientation 0.037 1.412 0.002 −2.770 2.844
Body areas satisfaction −4.785 1.916 −0.320** −8.594 −0.975
Overweight preoccupation 4.074 1.276 0.292** 1.536 6.613
Self-classified weight 4.948 1.292 0.328** 2.378 7.518

*, P<0.05; **, P<0.01. BMI, body mass index.