Abumi 1994 |
Slightly lateral to center of articular mass and close to posterior margin of superior articular surface |
Heo 2019 |
Level of lateral vertebral notch in the sagittal CT scan |
Medial to the lateral border of the superior articular process by a quarter of its width in the axial CT scan |
• C7 entry point was moved more medially in the axial plane toward the one-half-width point of the superior articular process in the axial plane |
Hojo 2014 |
NA |
Lee 2017 |
Lamina and medial portion of lateral mass |
Lee 2017 |
• Lateral vertebral notch level in the sagittal plane, medial to the lateral border of the superior articular process, by one quarter of its width in the axial plane |
• Entry point for the C7 vertebra was moved more medially and closer to the one-half-width point of the superior articular process in the axial plane |
Lee 2012 |
Virtual pedicle entrance point on the perpendicular line of pedicle axis, medial half of the lateral mass |
Mahesh 2017 |
Center of lateral mass medio-laterally and along a horizontal line just below the articular margin |
Pan 2019 |
Slightly medial and caudal to the lateral vertebral notch from C3 to C6 except for C7, and is nearly the same as the start point of the longitude of the pedicle axis on the sagittal plane |
Park 2014 |
Level of lateral vertebral notch in the sagittal plane |
Medial to the lateral border of the superior articular process by one-quarter of its width in the axial plane |
Tofuku 2012 |
Cancellous bone at the pedicle entrance, which is commonly observed to be reddish because of vascular cancellous bone |
Wang 2013 |
Cortex of the superolateral quadrant of lateral mass |
Xu 2009 |
Superolateral corner of the lateral mass in the sagittal plane |
Yukawa 2009 |
Entry point at centre of the circle (pedicle cortex wall) seen on the pedicle axis view |