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. 2020 Mar;8(5):196. doi: 10.21037/atm.2020.01.78

Table 4. Descriptive data of the videos.

Domain LDG (n=49) LTG (n=49) P value
Number of views 4,972 [77–30,230] 2,907 [22–16,281] 0.400
Technique description 0.049
   Yes 15 (30.6%) 24 (49.0%)
   No 34 (69.4%) 25 (51.0%)
Lymphadenectomy 0.460
   D1 2 1
   D1+ 1 0
   D2 27 27
   D2+ 0 1
   Unclassified 13 17
   No contents 6 2
   Billroth-I 5
   Billroth-II 17
   Roux-en-Y 13 45
      Overlap 19
      OrvilTM 19
      Hand sewn 3
      Reverse puncture 2
      No contents 13 6
Information on scores
   VPI 3.23±6.56 2.03±2.71 0.241
   JAMAS 1.92±0.57 1.96±0.54 0.717
   Completeness 8.84±3.29 9.73±2.32 0.123

LDG, laparoscopic distal gastrectomy; LTG, laparoscopic total gastrectomy.