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. 2019 Nov 29;37(4):602–622. doi: 10.1111/dme.14170

Table 2.

Summary of data provided by each study and effect estimates for high levels of antenatal depressive symptoms at the time of GDM diagnosis

Author and year Sample size Mental disorder measure and time GDM measure Ethnicity Pre‐pregnancy BMI (kg/m2) Risk of bias Prevalence of depression in GDM group (%) Unadjusted OR (95% CI)
Bisson et al., 2014 52

EPDS ≥10

Time of enrolment, mean 30 weeks gestation

75 g OGTT 24–28 weeks' gestation

2008 Canadian Diabetes Association criteria

On 75 g OGTT, two or more of:

Fasting ≥ 5.3 mmol/l

1‐h ≥ 10.6 mmol/l

2‐h ≥ 8.9 mmol/l

Canadian (ethnicity unspecified)

Mean (sd)

GDM: 26.3 (4.5)

No GDM: 26.4 (4.5)

High 23.1 16.8* (0.89–315.89)
Byrn and Penckofer, 2015 135

EPDS ≥ 12

24–40 weeks gestation

‘Medical data to verify GDM status’

White: 32.6%

Black: 23%

Hispanic: 32.6%

Other: 11.9%

Mean (sd)

32.6 (6.42)

NB not clear when measured

Low to moderate 20 1.69* (0.67–4.28)
Dame et al., 2017 820

EPDS ≥ 12

Third trimester

Self‐report and confirmed by medical records. Criteria based on two‐step approach. ‘Initially, diagnoses were often made using a single elevated 2‐h plasma glucose test. However, more recently, the criteria developed by the IADPSG have become more commonly used.' Brazil (ethnicity unspecified)

< 25: 22.8%

Overweight: 30.4%

Obese class one: 27.6%

Obese class two or three: 19.3%

High 31 Unavailable
Daniells et al., 2003 100

MHI‐5 ≥ 16

30 weeks gestation

ADIPS criteria

One or more of:

Fasting plasma glucose ≥ 5.1 mmol/l

1‐h post 75 g OGTT ≥ 10.0 mmol/l

2‐h post 75 g OGTT ≥ 8.5 mmol/l

Australian born

GDM: 66%

No GDM: 86%

Mean (sd)

GDM: 27.4 (7.2)

No GDM: 24.6 (3.8)

High 30 Not used for meta‐analysis as unclear if pre‐GDM excluded
Ghaffar et al., 2016 108

EPDS ≥ 11

13–40 weeks' gestation

OGTT >7 mmol/l Pakistan (ethnicity unspecified) Unavailable High 56.5 Unavailable
Hassan et al., 2017 100

BDI ≥ 20 (unknown version)

24–36 weeks' gestation

75 g OGTT using ADA criteria Iraq (ethnicity unspecified)

Mean (sd)

GDM: 27.4 (7.2)

No GDM: 24.6 (3.8)

NB not clear when measured

High 86 Not used for meta‐analysis as unclear if pre‐GDM excluded
Huang et al., 2015 2112

EPDS ≥ 13

Time of diagnosis

1‐h 50 g non‐fasting glucose challenge test (GCT) and if > 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l), then 3‐h fasting 100 g OGTT

according to ADA criteria

(Percentages across categories of depression)

White: 50–72%

Black: 13–24%

Hispanic: 6–14%

Asian: 4–7%

Other: 4–7%

(Percentages across categories of depression)

Underweight (< 18.5): 3–6%

Normal (18.5 to < 25): 50–61%

Overweight(25 to < 30): 20–26%

Obese (≥ 30): 14–25%

High 12.7 1.69 (0.88–3.23) (age adjusted)
Larrabure‐Torrealva et al., 2018 1300

PHQ‐9 ≥ 10

24–28 weeks gestation

IADPSG criteria

Any one of:

Fasting plasma glucose ≥ 5.1

1‐h post 75 g OGTT ≥ 10.0 mmol/l

2‐h post 75 g OGTT ≥ 8.5 mmol/l

Mestizo 98.1%

Other 1.9%

< 25: 53.6%

25–29.99: 34.9%

≥ 30: 11.5%

High 15.6 1.52 (1.09–2.12)
Mautner et al., 2009 40

EPDS ≥ 10

24–37 weeks gestation

Medical records Austria (ethnicity unspecified) Unavailable High 45.5 3.19 (0.72–14.15)
Natasha et al., 2018 748


24–28 weeks' gestation

Plasma glucose ≥7.0 (WHO criteria) or ≥ 5.3 mmol/l at fasting and ≥ 8.6 mmol/l at 2‐h post 75g OGTT (ACOG criteria) Bangladesh (ethnicity unspecified) Unavailable Low to moderate 25.9 3.02 (2.01–4.53)
Median prevalence 28% (IQR 20–45.5%)
Pooled OR 2.08 (95% CI 1.42–3.05)

*Derived from data in paper. Estimate given in paper. Data provided by study author.

ADIPS, Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; EPDS, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; IADPSG, International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups; MADRS, Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; MHI‐5, Mental Health Inventory‐5; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; PHQ‐9, Patient Health Questionnaire‐9.