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. 2020 Mar 4;9(3):327. doi: 10.3390/plants9030327

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Phylogenetic relationship analysis of PGs from kiwifruit and other plants. Multiple alignments of full-length protein sequences of PGs from kiwifruit and other plant species were performed by Clustal W, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA 6.0 by the Neighbor-Joining method. Numbers on branches indicate the bootstrap percentage values from 1000 replicates, and values lower than 50 are hidden in the phylogenetic tree. Three PG genes from kiwifruit (AcPG4, AcPG8 and AcPG18) were indicated by black circles. The protein sequences of AtPG gene family members from Arabidopsis thaliana were retrieved from TAIR database, and the protein sequences of other functionally known PG genes from fruits involved in fruit softening were downloaded from GenBank database and their sequence information are as follows: kiwifruit AdPG (AAC14453.1), CkPGA (AAF71160.1), CkPGB (AAF71156.1), CkPGC (AAF71158.1), AdPG1 (AYP70925.1), AdPG2 (AYP70310.1), AePGC1 (ARA90624.1) and AePGC2 (ARA90625.1), apple MdPG1 (AAA74452.1), avocado PaPG (CAA47055.1), grape VvPG (ABW76153.1), litchi LcPG1 (AFW04075.1), melon CmPG1 (AAC26510.1), CmPG2 (AAC26511.1) and CmPG3 (AAC26512.1), papaya CpPG (ACH82233.1), peach PpPG (CAA54150.1), pear PcPG1 (BAC22688.1) and PcPG2 (BAC22689.1), strawberry FaPG1 (ABE77145.1) and tomato SlPG2 (NP_001234021.1).