Figure 4.
Histochemical GUS localization in flower organs (A–G) and in roots (K–Q), for the cPK1-promoter-GUS (B,E,H,K), the cPK2-promoter-GUS (C,F,I,L,N,P) and the cPK3-promoter-GUS (A,D,G,J,M,O,Q) in 3-week-old plants (A–D) and 5-week-old plants (E–J), is illustrated in developing flowers (B–D) and in fully developed carpels (E–G) with stamen as well as entire flowers (H–J) of 5-week-old plants. Pictures show root tips of 3-week-old plants (K–M) and GUS expression in 5-week-old plants, restricted to primary roots for the cPK2-promoter-GUS (N) and stem cells in root tips for the cPK3-promoter-GUS (O). Expression at sites of emerging secondary roots for the cPK2- and cPK3-promoter-GUS (P,Q). Representative images of one out of three different transgenic lines are shown. n.d. indicates plant organs without detectable GUS activity. Bars indicate 0.5 mm.