Fig. 5.
GO functional and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs. a-c Separate GO enrichment analysis was carried out with “Goatools” using Fisher’s exact test and Benjamini-Hochberg was used to multiple testing corrections. The up-regulated and down-regulated genes were classified into different functional categories according to the GO term enrichment analysis for behavior related biological process, such as “Locomotion”, “Learning and memory” related biologic processes were enriched (a), cell death related biologic process, such as “Programmed cell death” related biologic processes were enrichment (b), Immune response related biologic process, such as “Immune response” related biologic processes were enrichment (c). d KEGG signing pathway enrichment analysis of differential expression genes. KEGG enrichment analysis was performed with “KOBAS 2.0” using Fisher’s exact test and Benjamini-Hochberg was used to multiple testing correction. The “Immune system”, “Cell growth and death” related pathway significantly enriched. Adjusted p value < 0.05 represents GO term or KEGG signing pathway significantly enriched. Rich factor means the ratio of enriched genes in background genes. The larger value of rich factor, the more enrichment of GO term or KEGG signing pathway. Count indicates the number of genes and “padj” means adjusted p value