Study | Reason for exclusion |
Adriko 2018 | Not an RCT. |
Al‐Mekhlafi 2014 | All participants received albendazole. |
Alavi Majd 2014 | Systematic review. |
Albonico 1995 | Study derived from Albonico 1994, participants already included. |
Albonico 1999 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Albonico 2013 | All participants received albendazole. |
Amato 1983 | Not an RCT. |
Anto 2019 | Comparison group received albendazole or mebendazole with levamisole that was not of interest for this review. |
Awasthi 2000 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Awasthi 2001 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Bartoloni 1993 | It was not possible to know how many participants were treated |
Bassily 1984 | Not an RCT. |
Behnke 1994 | Not an RCT. |
Belew 2015 | All participants received albendazole. |
Bell 1971 | Study compared pyrantel pamoate, piperazine phosphate, and placebo that were not of interest for this review. |
Boivin 1993 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence not reported after treatment. |
Brutus 2006 | Intervention group received levamisole that was not of interest for this review. |
Brutus 2007 | Intervention group received levamisole that was not of interest for this review. |
Campbell 2014 | Systematic review. |
Carmona‐Fonseca 2015 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Cervoni 1971 | Not an RCT. |
Clarke 2016 | Systematic review. |
Cleary 2007 | Not an RCT. |
Coulaud 1984 | Not an RCT. |
Coulibaly 2018 | Not an RCT. |
De Guimaraes 2001 | Comparison group received placebo that was not of interest for this review. |
Donnen 1998 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Dossa 2001 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Ebenezer 2013 | Control group did not receive the same cointervention. |
Edelduok 2013 | Not an RCT. |
El‐Masry 1983 | Not an RCT. |
Farahmandian 1972 | Not an RCT. |
Farahmandian 1977 | Study compared pyrantel pamoate, levamisole, thiabendazole, and bephenium hydroxynaphthoate that were not of interest for this review. |
Fernandes 1981 | All participants received the same dose of different formulations of mebendazole. |
Freeman 2013 | Intervention was not the anthelminthic treatment. |
Friis 2003 | No outcome of interest for this review. |
Gilgen 2001 | No outcome of interest for this review. |
Gizaw 2019 | Intervention was not the anthelminthic treatment. |
Goodwin 1954 | Not an RCT. |
Goodwin 1958 | Not an RCT. |
Greemberg 1981 | Comparison group treated with piperazine citrate that was not of interest for this review. |
Gupta 1982 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after 2 treatment rounds. |
Gutierrez 1986 | Comparison group received pyrantel oxantel that was not of interest for this review. |
Gyorkos 2013b | Intervention was not anthelmintic treatment. |
Gyorkos 2013a | All participants received albendazole. |
Hadidjaja 1998 | Cluster‐RCT with no comparable groups at baseline. |
Hadju 1996 | Comparison group received pyrantel pamoate that was not of interest for this review. |
Hall 1994 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence not reported for each intervention group. |
Hatchuel 1973 | Not an RCT. |
Hoang 1993 | Comparison group received pyrantel analogue that was not of interest for this review. |
Holland 1996 | Intervention group received levamisole that was not of interest for this review. |
Hurlimann 2018 | Intervention was not the anthelminthic treatment. |
Islam 1976 | Comparison group received pyrantel pamoate that was not of interest for this review. |
Jalal 1998 | Comparison groups received different cointerventions. |
Jancloes 1979 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Jinabhai 2001 | Treatment efficacy reported of a subsample of participants. |
Joseph 2015 | Intervention groups received anthelmintic treatment at different follow‐up times. |
Kale 1981 | Intervention groups received pyrantel pamoate and piperazine citrate + bephenium hydroxynaphthoate that were not of interest for this review. |
Kale 1982 | Intervention groups received different doses of pyrantel pamoate that was not of interest for this review. |
Karyadi 1996 | Not an RCT. |
Kepha 2017 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Kirwan 2009 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Kirwan 2010 | No outcomes of interest for this review. |
Kugo 2018 | Intervention group received carica papaya fruit seeds that were not of interest for this review. |
Lai 1995 | Intervention groups received pyrantel pamoate that was not of interest for this review. |
Le Huong 2007 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after 2 treatment rounds. |
Lechat 1974 | Intervention groups received levamisole that was not of interest for this review. |
Lionel 1969 | Study compared levamisole to piperazine that were not of interest for this review. |
Lynch 1997 | Not outcomes of interest for this review. |
Maipanich 1997 | Not an RCT. |
Mani 2002 | Not an RCT. |
Marti 1996 | Ascaris lumbricoides pretreatment prevalence were not reported by each intervention group. |
Martin 2018 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Mascie‐Taylor 1999 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Means 2018 | Not a primary study. |
Meyrowitsch 2001 | Not an RCT. |
Miller 1978 | Not an RCT. |
Moens 1978 | Review. |
Moser 2017a | No outcome of interest for this review. |
Muchiri 2001 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Murray 1978 | Not an RCT. |
Naquira 1989 | Not an RCT. |
Ndibazza 2010 | Deworming during pregnancy. |
Ndibazza 2012 | Deworming during pregnancy. |
Ndyomugyenyi 2008 | Deworming during pregnancy. |
Newlove 2011 | No outcomes of interest for this review. |
Nokes 1999 | It was not possible to know the number of participants in each intervention groups. |
Nontasut 1997 | Not an RCT. |
Northrop‐Clewes 2001 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Okoyo 2016 | Not an RCT. |
Pene 1982 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence after treatment not reported in placebo group. |
Persson 2001 | No outcome of interest for this review. |
Pickering 2019 | Intervention was not anthelmintic. |
Pond 1970 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Pullan 2019 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Rahman 1996 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence not reported for each intervention group. |
Rahman 1998 | Not an RCT. |
Raj 1998 | Not an RCT. |
Reddy 1986 | Intervention group received L‐tetramisole that was not of interest for this review. |
Restrepo 1987 | Ascaris lumbricoides pretreatment prevalence not reported. |
Rousham 1994 | Not an RCT. |
Sarmah 1988 | Comparison group received pyrantel that was not of interest for this review. |
Seftel 1968 | Intervention groups received piperazine or tetramisole that were not of interest for this review. |
Seo 1980 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Sileshi 2017 | All participants received the same anthelmintic. |
Sinniah 1981 | Intervention groups received pyrantel pamoate, oxantel pyrantel, and levamisole that were not of interest for this review. |
Sood 1975 | Intervention groups received pyrantel and tetramisole that were not of interest for this review. |
Speich 2016 | Follow‐up study of Speich 2014; participants already included in this review. |
Staal 2018 | Not an RCT. |
Steinmann 2008 | Intervention groups received pyrantel and tribendimidine that were not of interest for this review. |
Stephenson 1990 | RCT derived from Stephenson 1989. Participants already included in the review. |
Stoltzfus 1997 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Stoltzfus 2001 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple treatment rounds. |
Supali 2017 | Not an RCT. |
Tankhiwale 1989 | Comparison group received pyrantel that was not of interest for this review. |
Tanumihardjo 2004 | All participants received albendazole. |
Taylor 2001 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after 2 anthelmintic rounds. |
Thein‐Hlaing 1991a | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after 3 anthelmintic rounds. |
Thein‐Hlaing 1991b | No outcome of interest for this review. |
Urjel 1985 | Not an RCT. |
Vaz Nery 2019 | All participants received albendazole. |
Walson 2008 | No outcome of interest for this review. |
Walson 2010 | No outcome of interest for this review. |
Wang 1987 | Not an RCT. |
Watkins 1996b | Participants already included in Watkins 1996a. |
Wesche 1994 | Intervention groups received pyrantel pamoate that was not of interest for this review. |
Whitworth 1991 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after multiple anthelmintic rounds. |
Willett 1979 | Intervention groups received levamisole that was not of interest for this review. |
Williams 1997 | Not an RCT. |
Wright 2009 | Ascaris lumbricoides prevalence reported after 3 anthelmintic rounds. |
Yangco 1981 | Not an RCT. |
Yap 2014 | Participants already included in this review. |
RCT: randomized controlled trial.