a Immunoblot analysis of the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II, total (Rpb1) and phosphorylated (p-Rpb1(S2)), Cyclin T1 and CDK9 protein expression in wild-type heart and liver isolated from 15-day-old (15d) and 60-day-old (60d) mice. Replicate samples are derived from independent mice. b Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Cad, Bzw2, Pinx1, Polr3d, St6 and Cdc25a expression in wild-type (R26+/+) and R26CMER/+ heart isolated from 15-day-old (15d, Bzw2 and Cad n = 6, Cdc25a, Pinx1, Polr3d and St6
n = 7) mice vs heart (Bzw2, R26+/+
Pinx1 and R26CMER/+
n = 9, Cdc25a, Polr2d, St6, R26+/+
Cad and R26CMER/+Pinx1
n = 8, R26CMER/+
n = 7, R26CMER/+
Cdc25a, Polr3d
n = 6) and liver (R26+/+
Bzw2, Pinx1, Cad, Cdc25a and St6
n = 9, R26+/+
Polr2d n = 8, R26CMER/+
n = 10, R26CMER/+
n = 8, R26CMER/+
n = 7, R26CMER/+
Cdc25a, Pinx1, Polr3d
n = 6) isolated from 60-day-old (60d) mice 4 h post administration of 4-OHT. Expression is relative to the respective wild type (R26+/+). Mean and s.d shown. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; 15 day R26+/+ 4-OHT vs R26CMER/+ 4-OHT: ***P = 0.001 (Cad, Bzw2, Pinx1, St6 and Cdc25a), 15 day R26+/+ 4-OHT vs R26CMER/+ 4-OHT: **P = 0.001 (Polr3d), adult heart R26+/+ 4-OHT vs R26CMER/+ 4-OHT: ***P = 0.001 (Cad), adult liver R26+/+ 4-OHT vs R26CMER/+ 4-OHT: ***P = 0.001 (Cad, Bzw2, Pinx1, St6 and Cdc25a). Replicate samples are derived from independent mice. c Heatmap showing the union of DEGs called in each tissue; adult liver (n = 3), adult heart (n = 5) and 15-day-old (15d) heart. mRNA expression fold changes (Log2) upon MycER activation are shown relative to wild type, as determined by RNA sequencing of R26CMER/+ (n = 3) tissues relative to wild type (R26+/+, n = 3) at 4 h post administration of 4-OHT. d Quantification of p-H3-positive nuclei percentage in heart (positive cardiomyocyte nuclei only) and liver (positive hepatocyte nuclei only) isolated from 15-day-old (15d) and 60-day-old (60d) wild-type (R26+/+, n = 10 15d, n = 8 60d) and R26CMER/+ (n = 4) mice 24 h post administration of tamoxifen. Means are taken from five images per mouse; mean and s.d. shown. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; R26+/+ 4-OHT vs R26CMER/+ 4-OHT: ***P = 0.001 (15-day heart and adult liver). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.