Fig. 1. Lactate, arterial pH and blood glucose measured during initial admission to the intensive care unit.
Blood glucose was measured on arterial blood gas except on days 9 and 10, where it was recorded as capillary blood glucose. Lactate and pH were not measured on day 11. The highest recorded lactate values and the lowest recorded pH values are shown for each day. A, admission to the ITU. B, started continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). C, started 20% intravenous dextrose. D, stopped intravenous dextrose. E, started intravenous vitamin supplementation (pabrinex). F, stopped CVVHDF. G, started 10% intravenous dextrose. Started oral bicarbonate therapy (2 g of BD). H, oral bicarbonate increased (2 g of TDS). I, transferred to the ward.