Figure 1.
Neither age nor sex affects serum SNTF levels in either healthy controls or acutely following mild TBI. Each study participant was evaluated for serum SNTF a minimum of 4 times. Relationships between serum SNTF, age and sex were evaluated by regression analysis and Mann-Whitney U-test. (A) Serum SNTF concentration is depicted vs. the age of 40 healthy adult control subjects. Linear regression analysis shows there is no relation between serum SNTF and adult age in non-neurologic injury controls. (B) Serum SNTF concentration on the day of injury is depicted vs. the age of 96 mTBI study participants. Linear regression analysis shows there is no relation between serum SNTF on the day of mTBI and the age of the patient. (C) Serum SNTF is depicted as a function of age of healthy adult control males and females. Once again, there is no appreciable change in SNTF of either males (open circles; n = 20) or females (filled circles; n = 20) with adult aging. (D) Serum SNTF on the day of injury is depicted as a function of age of male (open circles; n = 55) and female (filled circles; n = 40) in the mTBI study participants. There is no appreciable change in SNTF as a function of the age of mTBI patients in either males or females.