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. 2019 Sep 23;41(2):273–319. doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnz005

Table 3.

Genes/proteins involved in PD

Gene symbol Gene/protein name Protein function Reference Sporadic (s) / familial (f) Notes
ATP13A2 ATPase cation transporter 13A2 lysosomal transmembrane protein associated with inorganic cations transport 121 f Mutations produce truncated inactive proteins and cause an atypical form of PD (Kufor-Rakeb syndrome), with juvenile onset and rapid progression. Recessive inhheritance.
DJ-1 DJ-1 Molecular chaperone which acts as cellular sensor of oxidative stress and protecits mitochondria 122 f Earky onset and slow disease progression. Recessive inhheritance.
GBA1 Beta-glucosylceramidase—glucocerebrosidase lysosomal enzyme involved in glycolipid metabolism 123,124 s Heterozygous mutations cause accumulation of glucocerebroside in different organs and are considered the greatest genetic risk factor for PD also associated with reduced age of onset.
LRRK2 Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 neurite and synapse formation, membrane trafficking, autophagy 125 s/f Missense mutations result in amino acid substitutions that increase protein activity. Mutations in the LRKK2 gene are the most common cause of inheritable and sporadic PD, with mid-to-late onset and slow progression. Dominant inheritance.
PINK1 (PARK6) PTEN-induced putative kinase serine-threonine mitochondrial kinase involved in mitochondrial function together with parkin 126 f Truncating, missense and nonsense point and frameshift mutations result in dysfunctional protein; early onset. Recessive inhheritance.
PRKN Parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase regulating mitochondrial function and protein quality control system 127 s/f It is the most common cause of autosomal recessive PD, with early onset (less than 40 years old) and slow progression. Recessive inheritance
SNCA α-synuclein synaptic function and neurotransmission 128 s (rarely)/f Amino acid substitutions, due to missense mutations or increased protein expression, due to gene locus multiplications, render α-syn prone to aggregation. Dominant inheritance.

Abbreviation: PD, Parkinson’s disease.