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. 2010 Jan 20;2010(1):CD003974. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003974.pub3

Heinzl 1981.

Methods Design: four group parallel trial 
 Purpose: examine the effect of prostaglandin E2‐alpha on cervical dilatation
Participants Patients: in‐patients undergoing first trimester abortion 
 Baseline comparability: yes
Interventions Placebo: intra‐cervically placed gel without prostaglandin 
 Untreated: no gel or tablet 
 ‐intra‐cervically placed gel with prostaglandin E2‐alpha 
 ‐tablet with prostaglandin E2‐alpha 
 (Co‐intervention: Valium on fixed scheme and analgesic on demand, distribution NS)
Outcomes Successful cervical dilatation (number of patients with dilatation of cervical os > Hegar no. 6)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Unclear risk NS
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk NS
 Treatment provider Unclear risk NS
 Outcome assessor Low risk 'The investigating doctor had no idea what treatment, if any, the patients had received'
Incomplete outcome data addressed? 
 All outcomes Low risk Drop‐out < 15%
Free of selective reporting? Unclear risk No protocol available
Free of other bias? Low risk  
No signs of variance inequality or skewness? Unclear risk Not relevant (binary outcome)
Trial size > 49? Low risk N = 262
Clearly concealed allocation + trial size > 49 + drop‐out max 15% High risk Allocation not clearly concealed