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. 2010 Jan 20;2010(1):CD003974. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003974.pub3

Rybarczyk 1990.

Methods Design: four group parallel trial 
 Purpose: examine the effect of stress management interventions on preoperative anxiety
Participants Patients: older male in‐patients undergoing major surgery 
 Baseline comparability: yes (anxiety scores)
Interventions Placebo: session of present focus interview prompting discussions on positive activities in the patient's present life 
 Untreated: no session 
 ‐session of general reminiscence interview prompting patient to recall positive events from the first half of their life 
 ‐session of challenge reminiscence interview prompting the patient to recall successfully met challenges 
 (Co‐intervention: NS)
Outcomes Anxiety (Spielberger State‐trait Anxiety Inventory) 
 Coping self‐efficacy inventory 
 Physiological and postoperative adjustment measures
Notes Relevant outcome data not accessible in trial report but retrieved by contact with authors.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Unclear risk NS
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk NS
 Treatment provider High risk Not described as double‐blind (placebo/stress management interventions)
 Outcome assessor Unclear risk Not relevant as patient reported outcome
Incomplete outcome data addressed? 
 All outcomes High risk Drop‐out > 15 % or NS
Free of selective reporting? High risk Relevant outcome data not accessible in trial report but retrieved by contact with authors.
Free of other bias? Low risk  
No signs of variance inequality or skewness? Unclear risk Not relevant (not naturally positive continuous outcomes e.g. change)
Trial size > 49? High risk N = 49
Clearly concealed allocation + trial size > 49 + drop‐out max 15% High risk Drop‐out > 15 % or NS