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. 2013 Sep 12;2013(9):CD003826. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003826.pub3
Study Reason for exclusion
Al‐Mandeel 1998 No control group
Berman 1999 No control group
Berman 2008 HSE gel (hydrocortisone, silicone and vitamin E) compared with onion extract, i.e. not silicone gel sheeting
Chan 2005 Used paint‐on silicone (not silicone gel sheet)
Chernoff 2007 No differentiation in outcome reporting between hypertrophic and keloid scars and post‐laser exfoliation erythema
Chuangsuwanich 2000 No control group
Clugston 1995 Non human subjects
D'Andrea 2002 Silicone not the only intervention (combined with surgery)
de Giorgi 2009 Patients with surgical wounds; zinc oxide cream compared with silicone gel, i.e. not silicone gel sheeting
Dockery 1994 No control group
Donati 1991 No control group
Fulton 1995 No control group
Gold 1993 No control group
Harte 2009 Patients with hypertrophic burn scars; pressure garments versus pressure garments and silicone gel sheeting, therefore silicone gel sheeting not used on own
Hirshowitz 1993 No control group
Hollands 1999 Concentrates on local biochemical changes in skin (i.e. does not look at clinical outcomes such as scar size, colour, volume)
Hosnuter 2007 No control group
Jenwitheesuk 2012 Not silicone gel sheeting alone (was combined with onion extract)
Katz 1995 No control group
Klopp 2000 Silicone gel sheeting was applied in combination with pressure garment (not on own)
Lee 1996 No control group
Loeding 1993 silicone gel (not silicone gel sheeting) for hand injuries
Mercer 1989 No control group
Musgrave 2002 Outcome measured was effects on blood flow and perfusion
Muti E 1994 No control group
Nikkonen 2001 No control group
Reish 2008 Discussion paper on scar treatments only, i.e. not a clinical trial
Ricketts 1996 Non randomised pairs study that concentrates on local biochemical changes in skin (i.e. does not look at clinical outcomes such as scar size, colour, volume)
Sawada 1990 Used silicone cream (not gel sheet)
Shigeki 1999 Concentrates on local biochemical changes in skin (i.e. does not look at clinical outcomes such as scar size, colour, volume)
Signorini 2007 Used paint‐on silicone (not silicone gel sheet)
So 2003 Intervention patient education; both groups received silicone gel
Steinstraesser 2011 Silicone gel sheeting was applied in combination with pressure garment (not on own)
Stoffels 2010 Patients with hypertrophic scars; placebo compared with topical silicone spray (not silicone gel sheeting)
Suetake 2000 Concentrates on local biochemical changes in skin (i.e. does not look at clinical outcomes such as scar size, colour, volume)
Van den K 2001 Silicone gel sheeting was applied in combination with pressure garment (not on own)
van der Wal 2010 Topical silicone gel not sheeting
Widgerow 2000 No control group. Combines silicone gel sheet with surgery and steroids (injection and cream), i.e. no patients received silicone gel only