MEFs were reprogrammed with 5C, mES, naïve, or primed medium. In three additional groups, mES, naïve, or primed medium was used to replace 5C medium from day 10 (A). The morphology and OCT4 fluorescence of seven types of colonies were provided in (B, Scale bar, 100 μM). These seven types of colonies were isolated on day 15 during reprogramming with different protocols. The expression of markers of different pluripotent states was determined with qPCR in these colonies (C).
The percentages of Oct4GFP+ cells (D) and the numbers of seven types of colonies (E and F) were summarized on day 15. The expression of Xist (G) and the abilities to form chimeras (H) were determined in type C‐Oct4GFP+ colonies in 5C‐naïve group, type B‐Oct4GFP+ colonies in 5C group, and type E‐Oct4GFP− colonies in 5C‐primed group.
MEFs were reprogrammed with mES medium. Naïve or primed medium was used to replace mES medium from day 10 (I). The percentages of Oct4GFP+ cells (J) and the numbers of seven types of colonies (K and L) were summarized on day 15.
Data information: Experiments were independently repeated at least five times (
n ≥ 5). Error bars represent standard deviations. ***
P < 0.001. Additional statistical information is listed in
Dataset EV7.