FIG 7.
Compatibility of phage-based plasmids and prophages. (A) Scheme to test prophage origin compatibility. M. smegmatis mc2155 lysogens of phages LeBron, Et2Brutus, and Miko were transformed with various phage-based plasmids. The resulting colonies were grown in liquid culture with selection for the plasmid and then tested for prophage maintenance by spotting cultures onto lawns of M. smegmatis and observing spontaneous phage release. (B) The compatibilities of LeBron, Et2Brutus, and Miko prophages with plasmids pJV39, pCCK38, pKSW09, and pHA08, as measured by prophage maintenance. These data are a subset of data shown in Table 6. Three transformants were grown per transformation per experiment; missing spots in figure indicate transformant cultures that had not yet grown to saturation at the time of analysis.