Fig. 4.
Genes differentially expressed upon cold treatment. a Genes preferentially expressed in either cold or control treated plants in ≥15 genotypes (FDR < 5% and |log2FC| > 1). b The heat stress transcription factor C-1 (Zm00001d016255) was significantly upregulated upon cold treatment in 20 of 21 genotypes. c The cysteine oxidase 1 (Zm00001d039166) was downregulated at cold treatment in 19 of 21 genotypes. d Network graph of enriched (p < 0.01) GO terms in the set of differentially expressed genes by treatment effect. Node size represents frequency of the GO term in the underlying database (the smaller the more specific). Node fill color represents the log10 of the enrichment p-value (the darker, the more enriched). Highly similar GO terms are linked by edges (grey lines), where edge width indicates the degree of similarity