Table e1.
Rodent Neoplasia
System | Species Affected | Neoplasia Type | References |
Cardiovascular | |||
Rats | Endocardial schwannoma | Berridge (2016) | |
Guinea pig | Myocardial rhabdomyoma | Barthold (2016) | |
Endocrine | |||
Rats | Adrenocortical adenoma | Strandberg (1983) | |
Rats | C cell carcinoma | Boorman (1996) | |
Rats | Pituitary adenoma | Benitz (1965), Barthold (2016) | |
Glands | |||
Mice, Rats | Mammary adenocarcinoma | Rudman (2012); Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Mice, Rats | Mammary fibroadenoma | Rudman (2012); Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Gray squirrel | Mammary (mixed malignant) | Williams (1989) | |
Mice, Rats | Zymbal gland adenoma/carcinoma | Rudman (2012); Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Mice, Rats | Preputial/Clitoral adenoma/carcinoma | Rudman (2012), Barthold (2016), Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Female reproductive | |||
Mice, Rats | Ovarian adenocarcinoma | Dixon (2014), Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Mice | Teratoma | Dixon (2014), Barthold (2016) | |
Mice, Rats | Uterine decidual reaction/deciduoma | Dixon (2014) | |
Woodchuck, mice, rats | Uterine leiomyoma | Foley (1993), Dixon (2014) | |
Mice, Rats | Uterine leiomyosarcoma | Dixon (2014) | |
Male reproductive | |||
Woodchuck | Adenoma of the rete testis | Foley (1993) | |
Rat, woodchuck | Interstitial cells tumors | Foley (1993), Barthold (2016), Creasy (2012) | |
Woodchuck | Sertoli cell tumors | Foley (1993) | |
Woodchuck | Seminoma | Foley (1993) | |
Woodchuck, mice | Teratoma | Foley (1993), Barthold (2016), Creasy (2012) | |
Hepatobilliary | |||
Rat | Foci of cellular alteration | Thoolen (2010) | |
Woodchuck, rat, mice | Hepatocellular adenoma | Roth (1991), Thoolen (2010), Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Woodchuck, rat, mice | Hepatocellular carcinoma | Roth (1985), Thoolen (2010), Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Hemolymphatic | |||
Mice, Rats | Histiocytic sarcoma | Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996), Kogan (2002), Barthold (2016) | |
Guinea pig, rat | Lymphocytic leukemia | Yarto-Jaramillo (2011), Barthold (2016) | |
Guinea pig, hamster, mice, woodchuck, rat | Lymphoma | Nagy (2002), Simmons (2001), Yarto-Jaramillo (2011), Kogan (2002), Barthold (2016) | |
Woodchuck, mice, rats | Myeloproliferative disease | Roth (1991), Kogan (2002), Barthold (2016) | |
Gastrointestinal | |||
Black-tailed prairie dogs | Odontoma | Phalen (2000) | |
Tree squirrels | Elodontoma | Boy (2006) | |
Red squirrels | Gastric spindle cell tumor | Simpson (2013) | |
Muskrat, free-ranging rats | Gastric squamous papillomas | Cosgrove (1968), Rothenburger (2014) | |
Woodchuck | Oral leiomyosarcoma | Kang (2005) | |
Integument | |||
Red backed vole | Adnexal carcinoma | Williams (1989) | |
Gerbils, guinea pigs | Aural polyps | Benitz (1965) | |
Gerbils | Ear canal fibropapilloma | Benitz (1965) | |
Gerbils | Cholesteatomas | Benitz (1965) | |
Gray, red, and fox squirrels | Fibroma | Bangari (2009) | |
Beechey ground squirrel, rats, mice | Harderian gland carcinoma | Ranck (2008), Barthold (2016), Krinke (1994), Krinke (1996) | |
Ground squirrel | Integumentary gland adenocarcinoma | Carminato (2012) | |
Damaraland mole rat | Melanomas | Sura (2011) | |
Yellow cheeked vole | Sebacious gland adenoma | Williams (1989) | |
Capybara, tundra vole, arctic ground squirrel,woodchuck | Squamous cell carcinoma | Hamanno (2014), Takahisa (2014), Anderson (1990) | |
Beaver, insular vole, porcupine | Squamous papilloma | Williams (1989) | |
Hamsters, red squirrels | Trichoepithelioma | Foster (2002), Simpson (2013) | |
Guinea pig | Trichofolliculoma | Barthold (2016) | |
Musculoskeletal, Adipose, Connective tissue | |||
Damaraland mole rat | Fibrosarcoma | Sura (2011) | |
Rat | Hibernomas | Brunner (2009) | |
Woodchuck | Lipoma | Anderson (1990) | |
Liposarcoma | |||
Mice, Rats | Mesencyhmal tumors | Greaves (2013) | |
Rat, woodchuck | Mesothelioma | Barthold (2016), Creasy (2012), Kang (2004) | |
Beaver | Rhabdomyoma | Williams (1989) | |
Red backed vole | Rhabdomyosarcoma | Williams (1989) | |
Tundra vole | Osteoma | Williams (1989) | |
Respiratory | |||
Guinea pig | Alveologenic carcinoma | Yarto-Jaramillo (2015) | |
Guinea pig | Bronchogenic carcinoma | Yarto-Jaramillo (2015) | |
Guinea pig | Papillary adenoma | Yarto-Jaramillo (2015) | |
Gray squirrels | Pulmonary adenomatosis | Kirschstein (1958) | |
Red squirrels, mice | Pulmonary carcinoma | Simpson (2013), Barthold (2016), Renne (2009) | |
Mice, Rats | Pulomnary adenoma | Barthold (2016), Renne (2009) | |
Urinary | |||
Red and Gray squirrels, mice, rats | Renal adenoma | Simpson (2013), Williams (1989), Frazier (2012) | |
Mice, Rats | Renal carcinoma | Frazier (2012) |
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