Figure 13-42.
Vascular Flow in the Red Pulp of Dogs—Sinusoids.
A, Sinusoidal spleen, dog. Structure and function of red pulp sinusoids. 1, Branches of the central arteries of the white pulp and vessels from the marginal sinus enter into the sinusoids. 2, Sinusoids are lined by a discontinuous endothelium, and these empty into splenic venules, creating a closed system of circulation. 3, The red pulp of the dog spleen consists of both sinusoids and red pulp vascular spaces. B, Histomorphologic features of red and white pulp. C, capsule; T, trabeculae.
(Courtesy Dr. A.C. Durham, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; Dr. M.D. McGavin, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee; and Dr. J.F. Zachary, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois.)