Table e1.
Genus | Species | Common Names | Red List Statusa, b | Year Assessed | Population Trends |
Acinonyx | jubatus | Cheetah, Hunting Leopard | Vuc | 2015 | Decreasing |
Caracal | aurata | African Golden Cat, Golden Cat | VU | 2015 | Decreasing |
Caracal | caracal | Caracal, African Caracal, Asian Caracal, Desert Lynx | LC | 2016 | Unknown |
Catopuma | badia | Borneo Bay Cat, Bay Cat, Bornean Bay Cat | EN | 2016 | Decreasing |
Catopuma | temminckii | Asiatic Golden Cat, Golden Cat, Temminck’s Cat | NT | 2015 | Decreasing |
Felis | bieti | Chinese Mountain Cat, Chinese Alpine Steppe Cat, Chinese Desert Cat, Chinese Steppe Cat, Grass Cat | VU | 2015 | Decreasing |
Felis | chaus | Jungle Cat, Reed Cat, Swamp Cat | LC | 2016 | Decreasing |
Felis | margarita | Sand Cat, Sand Dune Cat | LC | 2016 | Unknown |
Felis | nigripes | Black-footed Cat, Small-spotted Cat | VU | 2016 | Decreasing |
Felis | silvestris | Wild Cat, Wildcat | LC | 2015 | Decreasing |
Herpailurus | yagouaroundi | Jaguarundi, Eyra Cat | LC | 2015 | Decreasing |
Leopardus | colocolo | Pampas Cat, Chilean Pampa Cat | NT | 2016 | Decreasing |
Leopardus | geoffroyi | Geoffroy’s Cat | LC | 2015 | Stable |
Leopardus | guigna | Guiña, Chilean Cat, Kodkod | VU | 2015 | Decreasing |
Leopardus | guttulus | Southern Tiger Cat, Southern Little Spotted Cat | VU | 2016 | Decreasing |
Leopardus | jacobita | Andean Cat, Andean Mountain Cat, Mountain Cat | EN | 2016 | Decreasing |
Leopardus | pardalis | Ocelot | LC | 2015 | Decreasing |
Leopardus | tigrinus | Northern Tiger Cat | VU | 2016 | Decreasing |
Leopardus | wiedii | Margay, Tree Ocelot | NT | 2015 | Decreasing |
Leptailurus | serval | Serval | LC | 2015 | Stable |
Lynx | canadensis | Canada Lynx, American Lynx | LC | 2016 | Stable |
Lynx | lynx | Eurasian Lynx | LC | 2015 | Stable |
Lynx | pardinus | Iberian Lynx, Pardel Lynx, Spanish Lynx | EN | 2015 | Increasing |
Lynx | rufus | Bobcat, Bay Lynx | LC | 2016 | Stable |
Neofelis | diardi | Sunda Clouded Leopard, Enkuli Clouded Leopard, Sunda Clouded Leopard, Sunda Islands Clouded Leopard, Sundaland Clouded Leopard | VU | 2015 | Decreasing |
Neofelis | nebulosa | Clouded Leopard | VU | 2016 | Decreasing |
Otocolobus | manul | Pallas’s Cat, Manul | NT | 2016 | Decreasing |
Panthera | leo | Lion, African Lion | VU | 2016 | Decreasing |
Panthera | onca | Jaguar | NT | 2008 | Decreasing |
Panthera | pardus | Leopard | VU | 2016 | Decreasing |
Panthera | tigris | Tiger | ENc | 2015 | Decreasing |
Panthera | uncia | Snow Leopard, Ounce | EN | 2008 | Decreasing |
Pardofelis | marmorata | Marbled Cat | NT | 2016 | Decreasing |
Prionailurus | bengalensis | Leopard Cat, Iriomote Cat | LCc | 2015 | Stable |
Prionailurus | planiceps | Flat-headed Cat | EN | 2015 | Decreasing |
Prionailurus | rubiginosus | Rusty-spotted Cat | NT | 2016 | Decreasing |
Prionailurus | viverrinus | Fishing Cat | VU | 2016 | Decreasing |
Puma | concolor | Puma, Cougar, Deer Tiger, Mountain Lion, Red Tiger | LC | 2015 | Decreasing |
En, Endangered; LC, least concern; NT, near threatened; VU, vulnerable.
Status is periodically reviewed, see for more detail and current status.
Some subspecies are currently listed as critically endangered (CR), such as the Asiatic cheetah, Malayan tiger, South China tiger, Sumatran tiger, and Iriomote cat; see for more detail and current status.