Figure 5.
(A) IPA showing top 15 canonical pathways significantly modulated by 35 commonly deregulated mRNAs/proteins among the TEM fallopian tube epithelium tissues compared to healthy subject tubal epithelium tissues (P < 0.05). The P-value for each pathway is indicated by the bar and is expressed as -log (P value). The orange line represents the ratio of the number of genes in a given pathway that meet the cutoff criteria divided by the total number of genes that comprise that pathway. (B) IPA showing top 15 diseases and biological functions of commonly deregulated mRNAs/proteins. The yellow threshold indicates 95% confidence. (C) The most significant molecular network by IPA analysis. Associated network functions are inflammatory disease, connective tissue, and disorders and immunological disease. (D) The second most significant molecular network. Associated network functions are cancer, organismal injury and abnormalities, and gastrointestinal disease.