(A) A single 3-day old adult animal carrying the stEx30(Pmyo-3::gfp::myo-3 + rol-6(su1006)) transgene, which drives GFP-tagged myosin heavy chain in the body wall muscles. Animals with stEx30 also possess a rolling phenotype that facilitates visualization of muscle cells that flank the dorsal and ventral sections of the body. (B) 90 o rotated and expanded view of muscle area within dashed box in (A). (C) Categorical scoring of 3-day old adult WT and mutant animals, all carrying stEx30, for abnormalities in muscle fibres. Data is represented as the percentage of defective animals; n values are shown in each bar. Defects are compared between WT and CMT2 mutant animals using chi-square analysis with false discovery rate. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, ns = not significant. (D) Representative close-up muscle fibre images of individual CMT2 mutant animals. Scale bar represents 60 µm in (A), and 25 µm in (B) and (D).