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. 2020 Jan 23;30(5):2955–2963. doi: 10.1007/s00330-019-06503-2

Table 2.

Predictive value of REACT-2 immediate total-body CT criteria for severe injuries, n = 1083

n PPV, % (95% CI) NPV, %* (95% CI) Sens, %* (95% CI) Spec, %* (95% CI)
Parameters at hospital arrival
Respiratory rate ≥ 30/min or ≤ 10/min 16 81 (62–100) 24 (21–26) 2 (1–2) 99 (98–100)
Pulse ≥ 120/min 69 80 (70–89) 24 (21–27) 7 (5–8) 95 (92–97)
Pulse ≥ 130/min 49 88 (79–97) 24 (22–27) 5 (4–7) 98 (96–100)
Pulse ≥ 140/min 26 88 (63–76) 24 (21–27) 3 (2–4) 99 (98–100)
Systolic blood pressure ≤ 100 mmHg 116 96 (92–99) 26 (23–29) 13 (11–16) 98 (96–100)
Systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg 82 100 (100–100) 26 (23–28) 10 (8–12) 100 (100–100)
Systolic blood pressure < 80 mmHg 32 100 (100–100) 24 (22–27) 4 (3–5) 100 (100–100)
Estimated exterior blood loss ≥ 500 ml 43 91 (82–99) 24 (22–27) 5 (3–6) 98 (97–100)
GCS ≤ 13 or abnormal pupillary reaction 485 93 (91–95) 37 (33–41) 55 (51–58) 87 (83–91)
GCS ≤ 8 437 99 (98–100) 39 (35–43) 52 (49–56) 98 (97–100)
GCS = 3 394 99 (99–100) 37 (33–41) 47 (44–51) 99 (98–100)
Clinical suspicions
Fractures from at least two long bones 90 89 (82–95) 25 (22–28) 10 (8–12) 96 (94–99)
Flail chest, open chest, or multiple rib fractures 114 83 (76–90) 25 (22–27) 12 (9–14) 93 (89–96)
Severe abdominal injury 65 82 (72–91) 24 (21–27) 6 (5–8) 95 (93–98)
Pelvic fracture 98 78 (69–86) 24 (21–27) 9 (7–11) 91 (88–95)
Unstable vertebral fractures/spinal cord compression 69 68 (57–79) 23 (21–26) 6 (4–7) 91 (88–95)
Injury mechanisms
Fall from height (> 3 m/> 10 ft) 319 62 (57–67) 18 (15–20) 24 (21–27) 53 (47–59)
Fall from height (> 4 m/> 13 ft) 166 70 (64–77) 23 (20–25) 14 (12–17) 81 (76–86)
Fall from height (> 5 m/> 16 ft) 126 71 (64–79) 23 (20–26) 11 (9–13) 86 (82–90)
Fall from height (> 6 m/> 20 ft) 82 78 (69–87) 24 (21–26) 8 (6–10) 93 (90–96)
Fall from height (> 7 m/> 23 ft) 60 87 (78–95) 24 (22–27) 6 (5–8) 97 (95–99)
Fall from height (> 8 m/> 26 ft) 40 88 (77–98) 24 (22–27) 4 (3–6) 98 (96–100)
Ejection from a vehicle 30 60 (42–78) 23 (21–26) 2 (1–3) 95 (93–98)
Death of occupant in same vehicle 17 65 (42–87) 24 (21–26) 1 (1–2) 98 (96–100)
Severely injured patient in same vehicle 18 78 (59–97) 24 (21–26) 2 (1–3) 98 (97–100)
Wedged or trapped chest/abdomen 60 83 (74–93) 24 (21–27) 6 (4–8) 96 (94–99)

*Within the group of patients selected by the original criteria

Retrospectively adjusted criteria

GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value, Sens sensitivity, Spec specificity, CI confidence interval