Fig. 3. The cAMP detection capability of FRET biosensors using stagRFP is comparable to cyan-yellow biosensors.
a Epac1-camps biosensor is utilized to demonstrate the advantage of stagRFP, where the same sensor design yields a viable FRET biosensor using stagRFP, but not using the ultra-bright RFP mScarlet. The change in normalized emission ratio (red/green) upon 50 μM forskolin and 100 μM IBMX stimulation is shown (stagRFP, n = 8 biologically independent cells; mScarlet, n = 11). The mean ratio ± SEM is displayed. b The response to adrenergic stimulation (1 μM isoproterenol) in HEK293T cells is captured by GR-ICUE2 at high dynamic range. The change in normalized emission ratio (green/red) is shown (n = 20). The mean ratio ± SEM is displayed. c The dynamic range of GR-ICUE2 is comparable to, but still significantly smaller (*p = 0.03, t = 2.399, df = 17, from two tailed, unpaired Welch’s t-test) than the best cyan-yellow cAMP biosensor ICUE3; upon Fsk and IBMX stimulation, the kinetics of GR-ICUE2 are not significantly different from those of ICUE3 (ICUE3, n = 12; GR-ICUE2, n = 14). The mean ratio ± SEM is displayed, and n. s. is not significant. Source data for c is provided as a Source Data file.