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. 2020 Mar 30;4(7):1250–1264. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019000960

Table 1.

Summary of included studies for first-episode and recurrent DVT of the lower extremity

Study, author (year) Population Clinical setting Index test Reference standard
Aguilar and del Villar (2007)56 Recurrent DVT Outpatient, emergency department “DVT unlikely” patients: D-dimer If D-dimer positive → proximal compression US
If D-dimer negative → 3-mo follow-up
“DVT likely” patients: proximal compression US If US positive → serial US (repeat proximal compression US at 1 wk)
If US negative → DVT ruled out
Anderson et al (1999)14 First episode suspected DVT Outpatient, emergency department Proximal compression US, serial US* Venography or serial US, 3-mo follow-up
Serial US strategy was compression US for moderate PTP patients, if normal then repeat compression US at 1 wk, if normal then 3-mo follow-up.
Aronen et al (1994)15 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Inpatient Proximal compression US Venography
Bendayan and Boccalon (1991)51 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient Whole-leg US Venography
Bernardi et al (1998)34 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient Serial US* 3-mo follow-up
Serial US strategy was compression US for all patients, if normal then D-dimer test, if abnormal then repeat compression US at 1 wk, if normal then 3-mo follow-up
Birdwell et al (1998)35 First-episode suspected DVT Outpatient Serial US* 3-mo follow-up
Serial US strategy was compression US for all patients, if normal then repeat compression US at 5-7 d, if normal then 3-mo follow-up
Birdwell et al (2000)16 First episode suspected DVT Outpatient Proximal compression US Serial US after normal proximal compression US, venography after abnormal US, 3-mo follow-up
Bradley et al (1993)27 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Whole leg US Venography
Canan et al (2012)38 First episode suspected DVT Inpatient, admitted to emergency or cardiovascular surgery department D-dimer (STA Liatest, 0.5 ug/mL) Proximal compression US
Cornuz et al (2002)39 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient, vascular laboratory D-dimer (ELISA, 500 μg/mL) with Wells score Whole-leg US
Cogo et al (1993)17 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient - thrombosis unit Proximal compression US Venography
D’Angelo et al (1996)40 First episode or recurrent suspected DVT NR, coagulation service D-dimer (0.50 μg/mL) Proximal compression US/serial US
de Valois et al (1990)28 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Whole-leg US Contrast venography
Diamond et al (2005)41 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient, emergency department D-dimer (Tinaquant, 0.5 μg/mL) Whole leg US
Friera et al (2002)18 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Emergency department, inpatient, and outpatient Proximal compression US, serial US* Serial US (repeat proximal compression US) or 3-mo follow-up
Serial US strategy was compression US for all patients, if normal then assessment of clinical probability, if intermediate or high then repeat compression US at 7 d, if normal then rule out DVT. Three-month follow-up was only for patients who refused repeat US
Grosser et al (1990)52 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Inpatient Whole-leg US Venography
Grosser et al (1991)53 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Whole-leg US Venography
Gudmundsen et al (1990)19 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Proximal compression US Venography
Habscheid et al (1990)29 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Whole leg US Venography
Haenssle et al (2013)42 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Inpatient D-dimer (Tinaquant) Whole leg US or phlebography
Hansson et al (1994)43 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Inpatient, admitted to emergency unit D-dimer (ELISA) Phlebography
Ilkhanipour et al (2004)54 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient, emergency department D-dimer assay (ELISA bioMerieux ≥500 μg/L) Proximal compression US (for low- and intermediate-PTP patients), serial US (for high-PTP patients)
Jennersjö et al (2005)44 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient, emergency department D-dimer (Tinaquant, 0.5 mg/L FEU) Whole-leg US
Kalodiki et al (1993)30 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Whole-leg US Venography
Knecht and Heinrich (1997)45 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR D-dimer (Tinaquant, 500 mg/L) Duplex US, Ascending venography
Le Blanche et al (1999)46 First episode suspected DVT Inpatient D-dimer (VIDAS, 500 ng/mL) Proximal compression US
Lensing et al (1989)20 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient Proximal compression US Venography
Luxembourg et al (2012)47 First episode or recurrent suspected DVT NR D-dimer (VIDAS, 500 ng/mL) Whole-leg US, phlebography (if inadequate US), 3-mo follow-up if negative US of the symptomatic leg
Mantoni et al (2008)55 First episode DVT Outpatient, referred to the hospital D-dimer (STA Liatest, ≥0.5 mg/L) Whole-leg US (high PTP and positive D-dimer), 6-mo follow-up (low or moderate PTP and negative D-dimer)
Miller et al (1996)31 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Whole-leg US Venography
Montefusco-von Kleist et al (1993)32 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Whole-leg US Ascending contrast venography
Nata et al (2013)48 First episode or recurrent suspected DVT Inpatient and outpatient D-dimer (rapid quantitative latex-based immunoagglutination assay, 0.5 μg/mL) Proximal compression US and CT
Oudega et al (2005)49 First episode or recurrent suspected DVT Outpatient, primary care D-dimer (VIDAS 500 ng/mL) Serial US
Pedersen et al (1991)21 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Inpatient Proximal compression US Contrast venography
Quintavalla et al (1992)22 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent NR Proximal compression US Ascending venography
Schutgens et al (2005)50 Suspected DVT, unspecified if first episode or recurrent Outpatient Serial US*, D-dimer (Tinaquant, 0.5 mg/L) + pretest probability Proximal US, 3-mo follow-up
Serial US strategy was D-dimer for all patients, if normal then single compression US and if abnormal then serial US as described in Birdwell et al, 1998. If normal US results, then 3-mo follow-up.
Theodorou et al (2003)33 First episode or recurrent suspected DVT NR Whole-leg US Contrast-enhanced venography
van Ramshorst et al (1991)23 First episode suspected DVT NR Proximal compression US Venography
Wells et al (1995)25 First episode suspected DVT Outpatient Proximal compression US Venography, 6-mo follow-up (if negative results)
Wells et al (1995)26 First episode suspected DVT Outpatient Proximal compression US Venography, 3-mo follow-up
Wells et al (2003)24 First episode or recurrent suspected DVT Outpatient, thrombosis unit and emergency department Proximal compression US 3-mo follow-up
Williams et al (2005)36 First episode suspected DVT Outpatient Serial US*, D-dimer Proximal compression US or serial US, 6-wk follow-up (if negative tests)
Serial US strategy was compression US and D-dimer for moderate-/high-risk score patients, if normal US then repeat US at 1 wk for moderate- or high-risk patients who also have abnormal D-dimer and strain gauge plethysmography

The following studies were translated from foreign languages: Bendayan and Boccalon (1991) (French), Grosser et al (1990) (German), Grosser et al (1991) (German), and Mantoni et al (2008) (Danish).

CT, computed tomography; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; NR, not reported.


For all studies conducting serial US, the complete serial US strategy was considered an index test (rather than the single repeat US), and clinical follow-up alone was taken as the reference standard.