Figure 5.
Jun Accelerates Fracture Healing in a Drilling-Defect Model
Further statistical analyses and raw data are listed in Data S5. Two-sided t tests were used to determine statistical significances between −JUN and +JUN. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.
(A) Representative CT images of fracture sites over time (Ai) and corresponding absolute and relative (compared with day 0) bone defects (Aii and Aiii) (n = 4–6). Each data point represents a fracture site from an independent mouse.
(B) Representative H&E and trichrome stains from the previous fracture site (encircled area) (Bi). The fracture site is filled with connective tissue without Jun and with bone tissue with Jun induction. Scale bar, 500 μm. Quantification of the bone thickness at the previous fracture site (Bii). Each data point represents a fracture site from an independent mouse.
(C) Calcified surface produced by cells from fracture sites without and with Jun induction (n = 3). Data points represent individual measurements from three independent experiments.