Small angle x-ray scattering of muscle fibers from normal control [(A) open symbols in (C,D) and woody breast] [(B) filled symbols in (C,D)]. (A,B) Show original recordings of x-ray patterns where the 1.0 equatorial reflections are indicated. Note inward movement of reflections in the woody breast group, showing wider lattice spacing. Calibration from collagen pattern is indicated. (C) Depicts the spacing of the 10 reflection (d10) and in (D) the 1/(d10)2 is plotted against the sarcomere length (SL), with straight lines fitted to the data (the slope is inversely related to lattice volume, ref: Millman, 1998). The estimated lattice volumes were 3.18 × 10–3 and 4.42 × 10–3 μm3 in normal and woody breast groups, respectively. n = 3–4.