Figure 1.
Demonstration of Archon1 for Monitoring Action Potentials of iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes
(A) Diagrams of Cre-recombinase AAV system used to infect CMs with Archon1. KGC, linker; ER2, ER export trafficking sequence.
(B) Single-frame images of CM expressing Archon1 at different phases of an AP as shown in (C). Scale bar, 50 μm. See Video S1.
(C) Left, optically recorded raw voltage trace for cell shown in (B). Right, quantification of APD90, as defined in (D), per voltage trace for unpaced CMs (n = 31 cells).
(D) An example AP waveform with APD90, APD50, and rise time (trise) defined.
(E) Representative normalized fluorescence voltage traces from CM electrically paced at 0.5 Hz (blue), 1 Hz (orange), and 2 Hz (yellow).
(F) Corresponding APD90 box plot for each pacing shown in E (from n = 15, 12, 9, cells, respectively).
Box plots represent 25th to 75th percentiles, with whiskers extending 1.5x the interquartile range; horizontal line represents median; each dot represents data from a single cell. All optical traces obtained at image acquisition rate of 100 Hz.